It's me, Kelly Morris Rowan!
Recent News
Walt Disney World: Voices of Liberty @ Epcot
I continue to have the good fortune of being a full time Walt Disney World vocalist and vocal captain in the well-known a cappella group, The Voices of Liberty, at Epcot, in Orlando, FL. Singing alto harmonies or conducting the group is where you'll find me four days a week. Most recently, I was lucky enough to perform for Epcot's 40th anniversary celebration. For a smile, click HERE for a friendly video from all of us, created during the pandemic shut down.
Music Education Opportunities
The last year has provided me with some wonderful oppourtnieis to return to my music education roots, as I now serve as a Candlelight Clinician, teaching the music of the Candlelight Processional to the WDW Cast Choir each year. I also have joined the team of clinicians who teach music and voice0ver workshops with Disney's Imagination Campus, for visiting schools and music programs.
SURPRISE! I'm a mom now... of TWINS!
On April 1, 2021 (Yes, that's right - April Fools' Day) - my husband and I welcomed two identical twin boys, Atticus and Lincoln, into the world! It's been quite the wild ride ever since - and I am so grateful to be thriving as a working mom to two wonderful boys. If you like adorable children, follow their adventures on Instagram: @therowantwins
Rowan and the Rose
A project born out of the desire for a husband and wife to have a chance to perform together - please enjoy our folk music duo of Rowan and the Rose! We have performed at renaissance faires since 2012 and plan to take our act fully online/digital for a while - as navigating the act plus toddlers is proving tricky at best! :) Follow our Facebook page HERE or find us on Instagram @rowanandtherose! Huzzah!